Job Summary


This administrative function displays a list of an employee's current jobs.

After Division Selection, select the Employee.  The system displays a list of the employee's Current Jobs at the bottom of the page.


To change an entry, click in the desired row to display the data fields and enter your changes.


To delete an entry, click in the desired row.


Add Job


Select/enter employee data as follows:



Effective Date


The default Effective Date is the Current Date.  You may change the defaults by typing directly in the field or using the pop-up calendar.



In order to select a Title, it must already exist in Vision (Employee Job Summary Master) which makes it available for selection in the Title drop-down.

Pay Rate

The employee's regular rate of pay.


The reason, such as a promotion, for assigning this job to an employee.

Estimated Hours

The number of worked hours per week.


The employee's Work Status (full time, part time, temporary, etc.)


The Payroll Type (hourly or salary).

Click to store your entries.